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Erin E. MacDonald

School of Language and Liberal Studies, Fanshawe College





Ph.D., University of Waterloo (Granted October 2005)
  • English Language and Literature

  • Specializations: Popular Culture, Detective Fiction, American Literature, 

  • Victorian Literature, Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Gender Theory

  • Thesis: “Collective Hero: The Rhetoric of Realism in Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Series”


College Educators Development Program, series completed June 2007
Teaching Circles professional development, Fanshawe College, completed 2006
TRACE Certificate in University Teaching, one course completed
ESL Part I, University of Western Ontario, 2003
M.A., University of Waterloo (Granted September 1998)
  • Department of English

  • Thesis: "Androgyny and the New Woman: Sex, Decadence, and the Possibilities of Gender"


H.B.A., Lakehead University, First Class Standing (Granted May 1997)
  • Department of English


B.Ed., Lakehead University, First Class Standing (Granted May 1996)
  • Specializations: English, History; Intermediate/Senior



Scholarships and Academic Awards
  • Nominated for Macavity Award for Best Critical/Biographical book by Mystery Readers International, June 2021

  • Nominated for Edgar Award for Best Critical/Biographical book by Mystery Writers of America, April 2021

  • Nominated for Distinguished Teaching Award, February 2004

  • Provost Doctoral Scholarship, Fall and Winter 2002-2003

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship, 2000-2002

  • Provost Doctoral Scholarship, Fall and Winter 2001-2002

  • University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship, 2001

  • University of Waterloo Graduate Merit Scholarships (4), 1999-2001

  • Provost Doctoral Scholarship, Spring1999, Fall and Winter 1999-2000

  • University of Waterloo Graduate Entrance Scholarship, 1998-99

  • University of Waterloo Graduate Merit Scholarship, 1997-98

  • Lakehead University In-Course Scholarship, 1997

  • Student Writing Award, 1994

  • Lakehead University Northwestern Ontario Leader's Scholarship, 1992-96

  • Lakehead University Entrance Award of Academic Excellence, 1992-96

  • Lakehead University Regional Entrance Award (East), 1992

  • Governor General's Award and Domtar Scholarship, 1992



Scholarly Publications


Ian Rankin: A Companion to the Mystery Fiction. Ed. Elizabeth Foxwell. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020.


“Detective Inspector John Rebus.” Detective. Ed. Barry Forshaw. Bristol: Intellect, 2016. 78-89.


Editor and contributor, Robert Downey Jr. from Brat to Icon: Essays on the Film Career. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. 


Writing Today: Contexts and Options for the Real World. 2nd Can. ed. Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2013.


“Ghosts and Skeletons: Metaphors of Guilty History in Ian Rankin’s Rebus Series.” Clues 30.2 (2012): 67-75. (peer reviewed)


Evan Hunter/Ed McBain: A Literary Companion. Ed. Elizabeth Foxwell. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.


with Donald Pharr, Santi Buscemi, and Robert Muhlbock. Writing Today: Contexts and Options for the Real World. Can. ed. Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2010.


Reasoning and Writing Well Instructor’s Manual. Ed. Lisa Rahn. Whitby, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2006.


“The Rhetoric of Race: The Use of Racial Stereotypes in Ed McBain’s 87th Novels.” Americ@na 2.1 (2005).


“Masculinity and Race in Media: The Case of the Homicide Detective.” Race/Gender/Media: Considering Diversity Across Audiences, Content, and Producers.” Ed. Rebecca Ann Lind. Boston: Pearson, 2004. 220-27.


“Genre and Masculinity in Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Precinct Novels.” Journal of American and Comparative Cultures 25.1-2 (2002): 47-50.


"Vernon Lee." Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History. Eds. Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon. London: Routledge, 2001. 262-63.


"'Necessarily Vague': Kate Chopin's Gender-Awakening." Domestic Goddesses (website). Ed. Kate Wells. May 1999. 


"Engendering Motherhood" (book review). Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering. 1 (May 1999): 210-11.


Creative and Journalistic Publications


"Searching for the Stanley MacDonalds." The Nova Scotia Genealogist. 36.3 (Fall 2018). 115-119. 


"Ode to the Stanley MacDonalds" (Poem). The Nova Scotia Genealogist. 36.3 (Fall 2018). 120. 


Robbie the Early Riser. Illustrations by Sarah Ly. Kindle, 2016.


Four Poems in Diviners: A Journal for Women Writers. 3.3 (Autumn 1998). 


Winning Poem (Valentine's Day Poetry Contest). The Argus: The Student Newspaper of Lakehead University. 1994. 


"This is Not TV" (Concert Review of No Means No and Alice Donut). The Argus: The Student Newspaper of Lakehead University. 1994. 


"Big Rude Jake" (Concert Review). The Argus: The Student Newspaper of Lakehead University. 1994. 


"Spotlight on Erin E. MacDonald" (15 Poems). Catching the Spirit: An Anthology of Writing by the Students of Northwestern Ontario Volume VI. 1991. 39-45.



Conference Papers

Mid-Atlantic American Popular Culture Association Conference Paper, “Queering Downey: Queer as Normal in Home for the Holidays,” Atlantic City, NJ, November 2014


MAPACA Conference Paper, “Teddy, Danny the Gimp, and the Deaf Man: Disability in Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Series,” Buffalo, NY, November 2004 (in absentia)


SAGE (Student Association of Graduates of English) Conference Paper, “Policing Racism in Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Series,” Waterloo, Ontario, March 2004


University of Waterloo Graduate Students Research Conference Paper, “Teaching ESL Composition by a Social Constructivist Model,” Waterloo, Ontario, April 2003 


P/ACA (Popular/American Culture Association) Conference Paper, “Genre and Gender in Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Series,” Toronto, Ontario, March 2002


NEMLA Panel Chair and Panel Organizer, “The New Man from Fight Club to Angel: Masculinity and Popular Culture,” Hartford, Connecticut, March 2001


MAPCA (Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association) Conference Paper, Albany, NY, “Truth in Black and White: Ethnicity, Masculinity, and the Postmodern Homicide Detective in Clockers and Homicide,” and Panel Chair of Film panel, November 2000


NEMLA Conference Paper, Buffalo, NY, “Masculinity, Race, and Prime-Time Police in ‘Homicide: Life on the Street’,” April 2000


LEXIS Conference Paper, University of Waterloo, Ontario, “The Queer Arthur Conan Doyle?,” November 1999


British Women Writer's Conference Paper, Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Vernon Lee's Androgynous Aestheticism," September 1999


Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities Conference Paper, Sherbrooke, Quebec, "Queering the English Boys' School: The Homosocial Worlds of Alan Hollinghurst's Swimming Pool Library and E.M. Forster's Maurice," June 1999


Fifth Annual Victorian-Edwardian Graduate Studies Conference Paper, NYU, "The Sexual Comedy of Victoria Cross's Gender Troubling," February 1999



Teaching and Research Experience


Fanshawe College

Professor, English and Communication, August 2005 to present


Courses Taught: 


ENGL 3027 "Crime Stories" 

ENGL 7013 “Villains and Heroes” 

HUMA 7050 "The Humanity of Technology"

COMM 7021 "Argumentation and Persuasion"

HUMA 1021 “Discovering the Humanities”

ENGL 5015/3026 “Rebels, Misfits, and Criminals”

ENGL 5019/3029 “Murder and Mayhem”

ENGL 1030 “Mystery and Suspense”

ENGL 7006/HUMA 7030 “Alienation and Society”

ENGL 1007 “Popular Culture”

ENGL 1054 “Around the World in 61 Days”

INDS 3007 “Contemporary Media Studies”

WRIT 3002 “Reason and Writing II”

WRIT 1038 “Reason and Writing I”

WRIT 7004/COMM 7022 “Writing for Nursing”

COMM 3029 “Communication for Media and Art”

COMM 3020 “Professional Communication”



University of Waterloo


Lecturer, English 108H “Alienation and Isolation in American Literature,” Fall and Winter 2004-05


Marker, English 109 Distance Education “Introduction to Academic Writing,” Fall and Winter 2004-05


Lecturer, English 201 “The Short Story,” Spring 2004 and Spring 2005


Lecturer, English 201 “The American Short Story,” Spring 2003


Lecturer, English 109E “Introduction to Academic Writing,” Fall 2002, 2003


Lecturer, English 201 “The Popular Short Story,” Spring 2002


Course Coordinator, Administrator, and Marker, online Distance Education English 109, “Introduction to Academic Writing,” Fall 1999-2002


Lecturer, English 109E “Introduction to Academic Writing,” Fall 2000


Lecturer, English 108E “Women in Literature,” Fall and Winter 1999-2000


Lecturer, English 108F "The Rebel in Literature," Fall and Winter 1998-99


Research Assistant, Victorian Literature, Dr. Dennis Denisoff, 1998-99


Teaching Assistant, English 210F "Business English," Spring/Summer 1998


Teaching Assistant, English 109 "Introduction to Academic Writing," Fall 1997



Waterloo Region District School Board


Long-term Occasional English Teacher, Grand River Collegiate Institute, Apr-June 2005


Occasional Teacher, Secondary, Oct. 2002-June 2005


Summer School Teacher, Cameron Heights, Engl. 3CI July 2003,04; Civics/Careers 2005


Summer School Teacher, Cameron Heights, English 3UI, July 2002



Memberships and Service Committees


External Reviewer, Ithaca College Tenure Committee, 2017


Volunteer, Stoneybrook Public School, 2016-present


Volunteer, Emily Carr Public School, 2011-2015


Member, Mid-Atlantic American Popular Culture Association


Member and Secretary, Western Day Care Centre Board of Directors, June 2009-2011


Co-chair, Fundraising Committee, Western Day Care Centre, June 2009-2011


Member, Standing Committee for WRIT 1030 and 3002, 2006-present


Chair, Curriculum and Textbook Committee for WRIT 1030 and 3002, 2006


Member of Save Darfur Coalition, 2006-2009


Member of Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, 2005-present


Ontario College of Teachers Member, 2001-2005


Ph.D. Representative, Professional Issues Representative, and Co-Chair for SAGE (Student Association of Graduates in English), 2000-2002


Teaching and Learning Technology Roundtable Graduate Student Rep, 2001-2002


Organizer and Coordinator of Department of English “Colloquium Series,” 2001-2002


Undergraduate Studies Committee Representative, 2001-2002


Member of English Department Chair Nominating Committee, 2001-2002


Member of MAPCA (Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association), 2000-2004


Member of P/ACA (Popular/American Culture Association), 2001-2003


LEXIS Paper Exchange Representative for University of Waterloo, 1999-2001


Treasurer, SAGE (Student Association of Graduates of English), 1998-99


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